Bournemouth 7s Festival 2019

The late May bank holiday weekend represents one of the most exciting and demanding weekends for the society as a team of over 35 LSRFUR referees and match observers travel to the world famous Bournemouth 7s Festival.


One of the UK’s premier 7s events, the festival features elite level teams from across Britain and Europe, with a total of 12 separate rugby competitions for both men and women during the weekend. In addition, the wider multi-sport festival incorporates 400 teams and 3,000 competitors across rugby, netball, hockey and dodge-ball. When the night falls, over 30,000 festival-goers will congregate across 15 separate arenas, including Europe’s largest continuous bar in the main tent.

For the society, the Bournemouth 7s provides a unique weekend experience for our officials, incorporating the demands of the elite competitions of the stadium pitch, through to the varying challenges and humorous moments of the socials cups. It also provides a fantastic end of season setting for our season to draw to a close with the legendary tour court and Saturday night “team bonding” session at the main festival.

As always, thanks in advance go to Eric Hewitt, who will be the tournament referee manager and whose logistical organisation will ensure a memorable experience for our officials from across all the society’s levels and regions. 
