Process In Determining Suitability Of Pitches

The following update is provided by Peter Coulthard (LSRFUR General Secretary).

Dear Members,

Please find attached a note from Tim Miller, the Chair of the RFU Laws Sub-Committee, regarding the process around determining whether a pitch is fit to play on or otherwise. The clarification has arisen due to the rewording of the RFU Regulations, and is something that London has been in discussions with Tim and the RFRU on over the last few days.

In summary, the process as clarified remains effectively unchanged from last season - namely that a Society referee may be asked to look at a pitch the day (or days) before a game to offer a view as to whether it will be fit, but within 3 hours of kick off it is up to the captains of both sides to pass a judgment on whether it is fit or not (and the referee is not required to offer a view). A referee can still decline to referee a match should they consider the pitch unsafe or for other reasons (even if both captains/sides are willing to play).

Should anything remain unclear to you, please do reach out to me or your Regional Manager for further clarification.

Kind Regards,
