2024 LSRFUR Conference

The 2024 LSRFUR Conference took place at Twickenham Stadium on 01 September. It was a hugely successful day, with over 180 attendees and a variety of insightful and interactive presentations delivered to our members.

The theme of the day was ‘Back to Basics’, with presentations on recent law updates and directives, alongside breakout sessions in smaller groups focused on key areas of the game, including: Scrum, Lineout to Maul, Tackle to Ruck and Escalations.

A special thanks to all our guest speakers, RFU PGMOT officials - Karl Dickson, Joe James and Rich Gordon - alongside society members - Will Foster and Greg Douglas - who provided excellent insight and guidance to all those in attendance.

Alongside the presentations, our President, Andrew MacNeaney, and General Secretary, Peter Coulthard, delivered society updates and recognised various society members for significant contributions and long service awards, alongside a roll call of recent regrading promotions.

A further selection of photos from the day is included in the gallery at the foot of this page.

We thank all attendees again for a great day and wish our entire community every success for season 2024/2025.

Karl Dickson

Rich Gordon

Joe James

Conference presentations

The presentations from the day, which include several helpful video examples, are available for members to download via the website page linked below. Please note, access to this page is password protected and members will be emailed the password separately. If you do not receive this, please contact: website@londonrugby.com.

The recent World Rugby Law Changes and updates around the DLV Tackle Height guidance in the Domestic game can be accessed here:

World Rugby Law Changes: https://rise.articulate.com/share/cBAhDvdU9BgDax-tnl0DoA1Kgy5uaDPX

DLV Tackle Height Update: https://rise.articulate.com/share/Gr9R9XGdJC9_qIt6juazf3eNvNupS1Re

Conference Photos

(click to expand)
