Congratulations to John Orr & Ross Cowie on receiving 2024 national awards from the RFU

Two LSRFUR members receive 2024 national awards from the RFU as part of the Honda Volunteer Recognition Programme.


John Orr’s and Ross Cowie’s contributions to rugby were rewarded by the RFU at the annual Volunteer Recognition Lunch at Twickenham on 24th May 2024 with presentations from RFU President, Rob Briers. Both of these LSRFUR members, while somewhat less active on the field now, have devoted their “retirements” to on-going support of the game behind the scenes.


John’s contribution was cited by the RFU for work with LSRFUR as reappointments (West) and many years as Discipline Secretary for the Society, along with his contribution as Middlesex Discipline Secretary and active contributions to the wider CB Discipline group, supporting the other secretaries with difficult cases.


Ross has worked tirelessly within Eastern Counties Rugby Union, taking a lead in all aspects of CB age grade support and administration, advising clubs, organising competitions and supporting development of the girls’ game. He is Secretary of the Age Grade Club Advisory Group, helping to ensure that all county age grade leads regularly input into the national direction of the game.